Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Constantly striving for excellence, contributing to the economy, and achieving sustainable corporate development are the unrelenting quests of Yanchang Petroleum International. A devotion to providing real value to our employees, clients, and shareholders lies at our core. Our employees are our greatest strength. Our tenacity will help us weather the headwind of cyclic oil prices.

The oil industry has a potential impact on local environment and may cause irreversible damage to the environment without proper management systems. With sustainability embedded into our daily operations, we have witnessed continuous improvements to our environmental efforts, as seen in the progressive reduction of its emission levels of exhaust gas, sewage and industry residue.

In the course of its business operations, the Group has invested resources to focus on the needs of the neighbouring community, support community development and look forward to maintaining a good relationship with the local community, so as to achieve a win-win situation.

Novus Project: Emission Reduction and Energy Conservation

Henan Yanchang Project: Safety Training and Community Engagement